Scientific? Data? Re-Research

As I approach seventy something, most people are surprised when they learn my age. They often assume I’m much younger, and while I don’t typically share my age, when I do, it changes how people perceive me. Expectations shift, often leading me to push against age-related stereotypes. Despite my age, I run two businesses, attend classes, do yoga, practice massage and bodywork, garden and paddle my SUPYAK (Stand-Up Paddleboard and Kayak combo). My brother, now 86, maintains his yard, works full-time, and exercises regularly—also defying conventional age norms. It’s not all genetics; —we have younger relatives in worse shape. I believe our youthful energy is primarily due to attitude, diet, and lifestyle choices. Understanding what supports longevity, such as an active physical life style, meditation, prayer, belonging to a community and stress-reducing activities, also play important role in longevity with health and there are those reported in the “blue zones” and we’ll get to those.

It’s often said that cognitive abilities and physical health decline with age, a perspective reinforced by studies, media, and popular opinion. I’ve encountered these assumptions firsthand at conferences and continuing education classes. But is the science behind these claims as solid as it seems? Having taught Scientific Theory at the university level, I understand how data can be skewed, and I’ve observed professors tailoring their research outcomes for tenure or promotions. This highlights the importance of critical thinking when interpreting scientific data, especially when key variables are overlooked or misinterpreted and the importance of looking behind the data.

Take, for example, a well-known study from the 1960s and 70s that concluded women over 35 were at significantly higher risk for pregnancy complications. The prevailing belief led many to avoid pregnancy after that age. Years later, when researchers revisited the data, they found that socioeconomic status and nutrition were more predictive of pregnancy complications than age itself (Kleinhaus et al., 2006). Age, in this case, became an overemphasized factor, and turned out to be an irrelevant variable. The study’s conclusions were flawed due to the omission of consideration of critical variables.

A personal experience with a biology textbook project from the 1970s further illustrates how misinterpreting irrelevant attributes can be essentially misleading. Illustrations in textbooks typically showed animal cells as round and plant cells as rectangular, training students to associate shape with cell type rather than focusing on the critical attributes—like the presence of a cell wall. My boss did not want to vary the shapes because of the costs involved (these were the days before AI images and all our drawings were done by hand by artists). He suggested I conduct a study to prove my point before he would invest in the added expense. I did. We tested students who had just completed high school or introductory college cellular biology and across the board they wrongly identified cells based on shape alone. The illustrations were revised and as far as I knew at the time it was the first cellular biology book which taught the real factors of cell wall and presence of vacuoles as the critical factors identifying plant vs animal cells. Thank you Dr. Markle for teaching concept analysis which provides a way to identify critical and irrelevant variables. This experience taught me that irrelevant factors, if unvarried to show their irrelevance, can mislead even the most diligent learners.

Another historical example is the public health response to President Eisenhower’s heart attack in the 1950s. Early studies pointed to sugar as the main cause of heart disease, but the sugar industry deflected the blame onto dietary fats, leading to decades of misguided dietary guidelines (Kearns, et al., 2016). These conclusions were accepted as fact for years until later studies corrected the oversight, revealing that refined carbohydrates, not fat, played a more significant role in heart disease (Mozaffarian, 2016). This teaches us to critically analyze studies and consider who funds them, what political interests are involved and what variables might be over looked.

An example from the 1970s NIH study on osteoporosis found that calcium supplementation did not help prevent the disease (Heaney, 2002). What went unnoticed, however, was that the form of calcium used in the study was not bioavailable. To be usable in your body calcium must be angstrom sized and chelated. Calcium derived from chalk or other non-chelated sources is not absorbed by the body, leading to kidney stones and calcification issues in 20% of the population. 80% are able to metabolize it off through urine. More recent studies have shown that calcium from food sources is more beneficial for bone health than supplements (National Institutes of Health, 2020) where the calcium is chelated and likely angstrom sized. Chalk sourced calcium is like trying to get a 20’ basketball in the front door.

These examples demonstrate how critical it is to analyze the variables in a study carefully and consider wider information. We must ask whose study it is, what factors were considered, and how the data were interpreted. The scientific method doesn’t provide absolute truths; instead, it offers conclusions based on statistical significance. Science does not “prove” things, it puts up hypotheses (ideas) and they stand until someone finds some other data that disputes it. We often as a population accept things as fact when they are just hypotheses. For example, gravity wasn’t considered until Newton pointed it out. The earth was believed to be flat at one time. To prove something you have to have control of all the variables and know what you don’t know! Often, outliers and unaccounted-for variables remain overlooked, skewing our understanding of reality.

Consider the dietary cholesterol studies from the 1950s. Researchers claimed that foods like eggs and red meat were the primary contributors to high cholesterol and heart disease. However, these studies neglected important factors, such as the difference between saturated fats in processed versus whole foods and the type of fat replacing saturated fats (Siri-Tarino et al., 2010). Later research showed that polyunsaturated fats improved heart health, while carbohydrates had a less favorable impact (Mozaffarian et al., 2010).

Dr. Jeffrey Rediger’s book Cured explores how outliers—patients who defy medical odds—are often ignored in mainstream medical research. These cases provide insights into what's possible, but because they fall outside the statistical norm, they are often dismissed. Medical research focuses on normal. Have you ever aspired to the normal? What we believe as a society effects us. It may not stop us, but it is an energy we have to fight against to break glass ceilings. Many women ignored the research about pregnancy complications over 35. It had become popular for women to have their careers first and family later and they bravely forged a new belief breaking down old barriers and that led to a reanalysis of the previous data. Same data, just a different way to analyze it. Decades later women are no longer afraid to wait to have their children even into their forties.

Dan Buettner’s Blue Zones research, conducted in partnership with National Geographic, sheds light on longevity. These communities defy common beliefs about aging, showcasing how lifestyle factors—such as diet, physical activity, and social connections—affect health more than age alone (Buettner, 2009). Could such factors influence studies on collagen production and other aging-related processes? We don’t know because such “exceptional” populations are not included in the mainstream research. Watch programs on the blue zone people and you’ll see a very different centenarian.

As we engage with research, it’s essential to maintain a critical perspective. Scientific conclusions are only as reliable as the scope of the study. Remember, we often don't know what we don’t know. So, the next time someone cites research on aging, I’ll be asking many questions. Scientific conclusions are only as reliable as the scope of the study, and often, that scope is too narrow. 

As one of my mentors wisely told me:
  "I don't know if this is true or not—I just read it in a book."
Wade Poling,
Herbalist and wise man

This mindset encourages us to remain open-minded, to question, and to seek the broader truth that might lie beyond the data presented. It also reminds us to pay attention to the reality around us and believe our own eyes. This requires us to observe and think not just take in and regurgitate which much of our schooling teaches us.  When I taught experimentally based Physical Science at WVU our approach was to ask questions when students confronted us with questions rather than giving answers.  Sometimes the students actually yelled, “You want me to think!!!” and I would respond, “You are catching on.”
By the end of the semester, I heard things like this, “NO ONE’S EVER ASKED ME TO THINK BEFORE !!! !!!! WHY?????”

If you are a thinking person, it is likely not because of your schooling unless you had exceptional schooling experiences. That, however, is a related but completely different conversation for another article.

So please be careful when you are citing any research, especially that on aging.  I will have many questions and I will point out that I have never sought to be average.  

“If I had wings no one would ask me should I fly
The bird sings, no one asks why.
I can see in myself wings as I feel them
if you see something else, keep your thoughts to yourself,
I'll fly free then.

Yesterday's eyes see their colors fading away
They see their sun turning to gray
You can't share in a dream, that you don't believe in
If you say that you see and pretend to be me
You won't be then.

How can you ask if I'm happy going my way?
You might as well ask a child at play!
There's no need to discuss or understand me
I won't ask of myself to become something else
I'll just be me!

If I had wings no one would ask me should I fly
The bird sings, and no one asks her why.
I can see in myself wings as I feel them
If you see something else, keep your thoughts to yourself,
I'll fly free then.


Performed by:   PETER, PAUL & MARY          


Buettner, D. (2009). The Blue Zones: Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest. National Geographic Books.

Heaney, R. P. (2002). Long-latency deficiency disease: insights from calcium and vitamin D. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 76(5), 907-910.

Kearns, C. E., Schmidt, L. A., & Glantz, S. A. (2016). Sugar Industry and Coronary Heart Disease Research: A Historical Analysis of Internal Industry Documents. JAMA Internal Medicine, 176(11), 1680–1685.

Kleinhaus, K., Perrin, M., Friedlander, Y., Paltiel, O., Malaspina, D., & Harlap, S. (2006). Paternal Age and Spontaneous Abortion. Obstetrics & Gynecology, 108(2), 369-377.

Mozaffarian, D. (2016). Dietary and Policy Priorities for Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, and Obesity: A Comprehensive Review. Circulation, 133(2), 187–225.

Mozaffarian, D., Micha, R., & Wallace, S. (2010). Effects on coronary heart disease of increasing polyunsaturated fat in place of saturated fat: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLoS Medicine, 7(3), e1000252.

National Institutes of Health. (2020). Calcium and Vitamin D: Important at Every Age. Retrieved from



 1. 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. +=

 2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is  often mistaken for 


 3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

 4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for  almost 100% of the

     dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

 5. Lack of water, the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

 6. Preliminary research indicates that 8-10 glasses of water a day  could significantly

     ease back and joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

 7. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory,  trouble with

     basic math, & difficulty focusing on the computer screen or a  printed page.

 8. Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by  45%, plus it

     can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is  50% less likely to develop

     bladder cancer.


 And now for the properties of COKE

1.    In many states (in the USA) the highway patrol carries two gallons  of coke in the

       truck to remove blood from the highway after a  car accident.

 2 . You can put a T-bone steak in a bowl of coke and it will be gone in two days.

 3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coca-Cola into the  toilet  bowl and let the "real

     thing" sit for one hour, then flush clean. The  citric acid in Coke removes stains from

     vitreous China.

 4. To remove rust spots from chrome car bumpers: Rub the bumper with  a rumpled-up

     piece of Reynolds Wrap aluminum foil dipped in Coca-Cola.

 5. To clean corrosion from car battery terminals: Pour a can of  Coca-Cola over the

     terminals to bubble away the corrosion.

 6. To loosen a rusted bolt: Applying a cloth soaked in Coca-Cola to  the rusted bolt for

     several minutes.

 7. To bake a moist ham: Empty a can of Coca-Cola into the baking pan, wrap the ham

     in aluminum foil, and bake Thirty minutes before the  ham is finished, remove the

     foil, allowing the drippings to mix with the  Coke for a sumptuous brown gravy.

 8 . To remove grease from clothes: Empty a can of coke into a load of  greasy clothes,

      add detergent, and run through a regular cycle. The  Coca-Cola will help loosen   

      grease stains. It will also clean road haze  from your windshield.

 For Your Info:

 1. The active ingredient in Coke is phosphoric acid. Its pH is 2.8  It will dissolve a nail in about 4 days. Phosphoric acid also leaches calcium from bones and is a major contributor to the rising increase  in osteoporosis.

 2. To carry Coca-Cola syrup (the concentrate) the commercial truck  must use the Hazardous material place cards reserved for Highly corrosive  materials.

 3. The distributors of coke have been using it to clean the engines of their trucks for about 20 years!

 Now the question is, would you like a coke or a glass of water?

Solar flares and eclipses affecting many now. The energies are here to help us release. If things are coming up for you like they are for me and many others, there are tools for release that can help hugely. Call me for a session. April 8 the solar eclipse will create an energy for major changes. Are you ready?

Meditation What Can it Do for You?


It will help each person differently and part of the difference is the intention you bring to the process. What do you want to achieve?  That will direct the energies. You can of course also ask for whatever is for your highest good and the highest good of all.  Below is a summary of what science has shown that meditation brings to people who have been studied.  It is a synthesis of the information presented in the book, Cured, by Jeffrey Rediger, M.D. and from a website (reference at end).

STUDIES SHOW: A few minutes of meditation a day has been shown to reduce adrenalin (stress. Hormone) which in turn reduces cytokines (inflammatory chemicals underlying many illnesses and emotional states including depression).



 Blood Pressure











Quaity of Sleep


Memory & Concentration

Feelings of Well Being

Self Image

Positive Outlook

Self Efficacy (belief in own ability to overcome challenges


Understanding of Others


References: CURED: Strengthen Your Immune System and Heal Your Life

 by Jeffrey Rediger, MD and



Today is the 5th day of my new medicine for mastocytosis. There is hope. I was given an appointment with Doctor Iweala (rhymes with Koala)  in December of 2022 for October of 2023 and it turns out I was quite fortunate because she is no longer taking new mastocytosis patients. She is taking people who have alpha gal the result of having a tick bite from something that is called a Texas Tic because it has a mark the shape of Texas on its back. It results in the inability to eat any mammalian proteins you can only eat fish and fowl and vegetables and rice.

Doctor Iweala  was able to diagnose me with mastocytosis of the GI because of my symptom list and the biopsy they did when I had a colonoscopy and December of 22. It was a wonderful experience to have a Doctor Who understood the collection of symptoms that I've had and knew what to do about them. She has put me on CROMOLYN SODIUM ORAL SOLUTION. It comes in foil wrapped ampules and I am taking four a day three before meals and one before bed. They are light sensitive so they need to be kept in the foil they are also temperature sensitive. There is very little taste with them you place one ampule in 8 ounces of water and drink it down it is fairly flavorless and has no texture it's a bit like drinking a really mild form of electrolyte water. Within the first few days and I mean three I released 5 pounds of water weight and I was able to watch my stomach decrease daily. This makes me very happy I have not experienced any side effects outside of excessive urination except feeling slightly tired the first few days. What I have experienced is no more queasiness while eating and my bowels have become more regular and I'm generally feeling better with fewer body aches. I am very hopeful that over time the tiredness will wear off and I will be able to start introducing foods that I have not been able to eat for several years. The doctor has also recommended that I take 1000 milligrams of quercetin a day and I have not yet found a brand that does not upset my stomach and I wanted to just be with the cromolyn do you feel it's effects. Also continuing a form of Claritin daily. There is also an OTC called Diamine Oxidase. It decreases the biogenetic amines. I will introduce this. It is to be taken before meals when eating out or eating something that normally bothers me.

I do not have general Mastocytosis which is a more serious diagnosis. A 24-hour urine collection test during a flare measuring tryptase levels helped determine if I had the third requirement for a general diagnosis.  It was negative, which is a relief.

I have wanted to drink more water and eat less since taking this medicine. I am satisfied sooner with meals and have not had the bloating and cramping I had before. Overall, I am very excited about this and hopeful I will be able to eat out again and expand my diet a bit in the near future.

Dr. Iweala is a research scientist and it's only in clinic one day a week. Fortunately she is training someone who is working with her and she tells me that there's a doctor Lichtenberger in Statesville, NC who deals with mastocytosis. Otherwise you will have to look in your area for someone who specializes in this and it seems to be within the allergy clinics.


For those of us struggling with gut issues this is worth a listen. He goes into a long story, stick with it to the end. There are awarenesses worth having along the journey. It might speak to you. It did to me and to others who recommended it to me. Here’s the link: CIBO and other Gut Wrenching Issues

HART (Hart Center – Healing Arts Resource & Training Center)

What a wonderful day of inspiring and informative speakers and organizers. A wonderful event. Thank you Bob Brame for hosting and to Dr. Larry Burke for MCing. This was the first event in the triangle/triad area since COVID separated us. Thanks for bringing us back together. Sally Norton spoke about Oxalate Overload and how releasing it has solved her health problems. She is Cornel trained in Nutrition and worked with the Integrative Heath Center at Duke. She was Vegan, changed to Vegetarian and still had debilitating problems until she unlocked the oxalate issue. She is now a vivacious, excellent speaker. You might find her book interesting. I am now wondering what of my diet I need to shift for this issue. Potatoes are high oxalate as is rice bran. I’ve already started shifting to good organic white rice instead of brown. I’ll also reduce potatoes. We’ll see what happens.

I love a diet that allows me to grill salmon and eat potato chips at 9 pm and still release weight (65 lbs in a little less than a year)! My 7 year old grandson is also on the low histamine diet and one sadness was not being able to have any easy snack food beside blueberries with honey, apples or apple juice. Walking down the chip aisle in a large Whole Foods store, I was impressed with how many different choices there were. I picked up many bags of chips and they all had something not on our diet. Many have oils we can’t tolerate including canola oil. After checking out 20 different types with nothing passing our diet requirements, I let out a thought of exasperation, “Why can’t somebody make a chip with just sea salt and olive oil?” Then I looked up and saw it! BOULDER CANYON BRAND CHIPS with just that: Potatoes, Olive Oil, Classic Sea Salt. I grabbed several bags hopeful we could eat them. Upon my return home to my daughter’s house I opened and started eating the chips. She grabbed the bag out of my hand to read the ingredients and protect me from a non-diet item. Her face turned to joy. She informed my grandson we could have these. The jumping up and down didn’t stop for days. The potatoes are Non GMO and the olive oil doesn’t specify organic, but they work for us. So if you are looking for a salty crunchy snack, here it is. We have also found it at Sprouts Grocery. Come on Weaver Street you could carry them, I’ve asked nicely. BTW Whole Foods seems to be providing an aisle of soaps that are unscented. Just walking down the soap aisle in most stores is enough to give me a histamine attack, so thanks Whole Foods for thinking of the chemically challenged among us. Hope you had a great Labor Day Weekend. —-Lyneah


As of yesterday I have released (I no longer say lost because I don’t want to find them again) 65 lbs in just under a year. It was late September last year that Alexandrea Lassiter (+1 646 207 8642) started coaching me on a low histamine diet. My blood pressure is now low normal — I was having scary high blood pressure prior to this diet. My aches and pains have greatly decreased, allergies decreased, joy increased, agility increased — I am able to do Yoga moves I haven’t every done before and many i haven’t done in decades. My clients who’ve started working with Alexandrea are very happy with her coaching and showing wonderful results as well: clearer compexions, weight reduction, greater body comfort, greater ability to exercise, better breathing, lower BP and so on. The great thing for me is I can eat all I want as long as I stick to the prescribed foods.

One thing I’ve found interesting in the process is that when I start having cravings for specific unhelpful foods — most recently Oreo cookies which I haven’t had in many years — this happens just before another shedding of fat. My theory is that we just got down to the layer where the Oreo cookie fat was stored and as it released, I get the craving. It goes away in a day when I don’t give in and at this point, I know how much discomfort I would suffer if I did give in.

I have just purchased an inflatable paddle board. I am very excited. I tried one out and it is a huge challenge for me given all the injuries I have had, and it is the challenge I NEED to get to the strength, agility, balance and flexibility I intend. My long-term goal is to kite surf and I know in order to do that I need to develop core strength, arm strength, greater balance and endurance. I’m excited because this used to be a dream but now it’s a goal and a strong intention I believe I can achieve. A dear friend has lent me her blow up paddle board until mine arrives just in time for my birthday!

A few comments on other things histamainosis/mastocytosis people have to consider.

Fabric: I cannot use polyester at all. It is high in positive ions which are the ones that make you feel bad. Natural fabric, especially organic fabrics are the best for me and I have invested in underwear and essential clothing. Also true for others I know with this and other conditions.

Air: Since this condition is stimulated by allergens, a good air filter for the home is essential. Also remember to change your vehicle cabin filter often, especially if you are in an area affected by fire smoke. It’s not just the wood in the smoke, it’s all the buildings, appliances, etc. that give off toxins. Sending blessings to all affected by the fires.

JEWELRY: Many cannot tollerate metals, especially mixed metals. So, if you are feeling better but not better enough, try a few days without jewelry and see if it makes a difference for you. I have switched to a black braided cotton cord to wear my jewelry on instead of a chain. It does have a silver clasp but that’s all the metal.

Rosemary is completely out. I threw rosemary into the pan instead of Thyme the other day and even the air made me sick. That beautiful chicken had to go to the family members without histaminosis.

Cherries are ok on my diet and I get the large frozen bags at Costco. This is my substitute for ice cream - a bowl with frozen cherries (and or blueberries) with a drizzle of honey on top. The honey hardens and makes me miss ice cream less.

Another hot weather treat is to use my Vitamix to make a sloshy: berries (blue berries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries,etc. whatever is your ok list), ice, apple juice. Blend to your desired consistency and put in an insulated cup. Cool goodness all day.

Histamine HELP

If you have been following my progress since September 2022, I have now released over 60 lbs and feel better than I have in many years. I have Alexandrea Lassiter to thank for this (WEBSITE HERE). She is the one who helped me learn how to support my histamine intolerance (Histaminosis or Mast Cell Activation Syndrome - not yet labeled officially — I have an appointment in October, set in December, with a specialist) by teaching me a low histamine diet and an exercise program that is right for me and has changed my life for the better. She has coached me each step of the way - a little at a time so I could integrate the steps into my daily life. If you want coaching on how to do this, I highly recommend you contact Alexandrea Lassiter at 646 207 8642 in the Eastern time zone.

Here are some tips and a start on recipes Alexandrea has developed for histamine-intollerant folks like us:

First thing you need to know about a low histamine diet is this - FRESH is your friend.  Anything dried, fermented, or smoked is high in histamine.  The older a food gets the higher the histamines.  If you grow your food and pick it off the vine and eat it, that is the healthiest food source you can get.  The older the food, the less the vitamin content, so the fresher the better for us all.


Good for you low-histamine foods:


Blueberries, apples, figs, cranberry, pomegranate, lettuce, cucumber, kale, broccoli, zucchini, carrots, green onions, white/yellow/purple onions, garlic, mushrooms, potatoes, rice, olive oil, quinoa, millet.

Lean meats (the more ethically and sustainably raised your meat, the leaner and healthier it will be) Chicken, beef, bison, duck*, turkey.

Salmon and some white fish (some white fish is fatty and high in histamine so make sure you look up each individual fish)


*in moderation because it is a high fat meat


High histamine foods are most foods but here are some high histamine foods that are guaranteed to inflame:

Pork, tomatoes, bell peppers, spinach, strawberries, pineapple, nuts, breads, egg whites, beans, tofu, corn, sugar.

Some spices you will want to have in your cupboard:


Himalayan Pink Sea Salt (We use this because it has more minerals and isn’t a “bad” salt for your body.

White Pepper Corns - freshly ground in a pepper grinder for maximum freshness.  All pepper has a little histamine, but the white fresh pepper corns have the least.

Thyme - I use it in almost everything.

White Wine - yes it has histamines, but they cook off and you are left with the flavor. If you are Vegan or have Alpha-gal, you will need to look up the wine and make sure it is vegan and also organic would be ideal. The website to do this is

 Lettuce Wraps -

Take your biggest lettuce leaves off of a head of romaine or hearts of romaine.

Wash them and dry them and put them on a large dinner place.

Heat up some vermicelli rice noodles (the super skinny ones you can get them at any Asian market. You’ll want the ones that say NON GMO if possible). They are pretty quick so keep an eye on them.  Strain and set aside in a bowl.

Let the noodles cool a bit.

While they are cooling, chop up your veggies.

Cucumber, fresh carrot, radishes, red onion.

Add some noodles to each lettuce leaf.

Add a bit of the veggies to each lettuce leaf.

Top with olive oil, salt, white pepper, thyme.

You can add chicken, salmon, Turkey deli meat, beef  as well. 

When I am faced with siutations I respond fearfully to…


When I am faced with situations where I feet fear, I have used a mantra:  "I release fear, I live by faith and love." I have been known to say it over and over again to manage situations that stimulate fear in me. Fear is generally not in the situation (with the possible exception of life threatening ones), different people respond differently to the same stimuli. Fear is in our response. We are conditioned to respond to some things fearfully, and we can break that kind of conditioning. It takes consciousness and work.  A currently pertinent example is: TAXES. I used to get so tight from stress and fear that I would give myself debilitating headaches while doing the taxes. One year I became conscious, went into the meditation chair and asked: “Why? It's going to be what it's going to be, so why do I respond with such stress?”  A vision of my father doing his taxes came into my consciousness.  He was a bullheaded Taurus about many things, including taxes.  He was difficult to be around while preparing taxes and I had unconsciously picked up his stressful attitude and habits. I sat a bit longer and hatched a plan for breaking this unwanted habit. I put on relaxation music, set my yoga mat out, made a relaxing tea, lit a candle, did some yoga, some Tai Chi and meditated before starting on the taxes setting my intention to be calm an relaxed. Then I sat down at the desk and began to work. I quit when I felt stressed. In the beginning I could only manage about 10 minute sections and I realized I would have to file for an extension, which I did.  I made it with the one extension and since this only happens once a year, it took several years of breaking the habit before I was able to sit comfortably for long periods doing taxes. Now I have the rest of my life to enjoy doing taxes without stress.

What's your mantra?  How do you keep yourself positive in a shifting sands world? Do you really believe it is all good? Here's a meditation many of us have found helpful in challenging times: 


FOR THIS MICHAELIC AGE            by Rudolf Steiner
“We must eradicate from the soul all fear and terror of what comes
toward humans out of the future. We must acquire serenity in all feelings and sensations about the future. We must look forward, with absolute equanimity, to everything that may come and we must think only that whatever comes is given to us by a world direction full of wisdom. It is part of what we must learn in this age: to live out of pure trust, without any security in existence, trust in the ever present help of the spiritual world. Truly, nothing else will do, if our courage is not to fail us. Let us seek the awakening from within ourselves, every morning and every evening.”
MORNING: O, Michael, Under Your protection I place myself, With Your guidance I connect myself, Wholeheartedly, So that this day may become an image Of your destiny–ordering Will.
EVENING: I carry my sorrow into the setting sun, Place all my worries into her radiating womb Purified in love, transformed in light, They return as helping thoughts, As strength for self–sacrificing deeds.”


It is important to practice and make meditation a habit in good times, so you can call on it automatically when you most need it. There’s no better time than now to start.

HISTAWHAT? Part 3: What causes it?  Histaminosis, MCAS (Mast Cell Activation Syndrome) and Mastocytosis What’s the DIFF?

In searching for what causes this histamine response I found there are different types of histamine dysfunction. Three major types include Histaminosis, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) and Mastocytosis (Including SM Systemic Mastocytosis).

Histaminosis (histamine intolerance) seems to indicate a lack of DAO (Diamine Oxidase) an enzyme that breaks down histamine.

Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MSAC) is a condition where normal amounts of Mast Cells are overactive and produce too many histamines and other mediators. To learn more about how to tell the difference you might find this article by Functional medicine practitioner, Will Cole of interest: .

Mastocytosis is a diagnosis of having too many Mast Cells.  There are several varieties. ASM is Aggressive Systemic Mastocytosis.  Skin conditions can indicate the type which is associated with too many  mast cells in the skin, other forms (SM Systemic Mastyocytosis) can indicate a systemic condition of too many mast cells especially in the organs (spleen and liver most notably). There are tests to find out if you have the genetic marker and bone marrow tests to show if you have an over abundance of mast cells. There are currently  clinical trials for Mastocytosis:, and for more info. I am in the initial stages of applying for one clinical trial. But I have to have a doctor’s diagnosis first. I’m working on that. is a site that provides a lot of information and guidelines for how to talk with your doctor about this. It also says it provides free testing if you are working with a doctor.

Why do we have this?  Other than genetics, to date, I have no answer to what causes the problem in the first place. One of my thoughts is environmental toxin overload has much to do with this syndrome. Chemicals in processed foods, oils that are less than optimal especially when eating out, large amounts of sugar in most diets and environmental toxins in the water and air add to the stimulators and up the histamine responses. Generally, our physical systems are on overload. If you have a genetic marker, then genetics may be a causal factor. My daughter thinks her paternal grandmother may have had it as well, so she has likely inherited it from both sides of her family.  My father had it worse as he aged and that has been true for me as well. My symptoms worsened after moving to an area with many pine trees. Pine oil is a hista-stimulator.  I took one sniff of an organic pine oil and suffered symptoms for three days. I learned the hard way that pine oil stimulates the release of histamines.  

Other Options: There are Pro-Biotics that promote healthy gut and help with histamine issues by suppressing histamine receptors. There are two probiotic strains which help: bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus rhamnosus . is a vegan product with more than these two strains s and three prebiotoics. Two of three of the Prebiotics are low histamine. Acacia Senegal may not be suitable for a low histamine diet.

I thought, well if I could find a DAO supplement, I could try it to see if that solves the problem. Looking for a DAO or Pro-biotic product, we have to make sure it is not made from substances for which you know you have an allergic reaction.  Here’s a product that claims to be free of many stimulators, but it does not specify it’s sources: .  Another product is  which is sourced from legumes which are not recommended on a low histamine diet.  Corn products and corn starch are not recommended on this diet and can be found in some antihistamine products as well as this Histazyme product: . So far this seems to be the cleanest product I’ve found, but it is also sourced from porcine kidney (not organic), so it will only works if you can eat pork and tolerate non-organic.  I have not personally tried it yet. 

Noticing that many of the DAO supplements are made from animal Kidneys led me to wonder about the role stress plays in this scenario. Stress can negatively affect all our systems, so relaxation and yoga are often recommended as part of the recovery process.  Yoga has been part of my daughter’s and my recovery routines.

Lotions, perfumes, after shaves, soaps etc., even good organic ones, can also stimulate a histamine response especially those containing eucalyptus, pine, citrus and menthol. Lavender has an anti-histamine effect. A good natural rose works for me and since Tulsi Rose Tea is antihistamine, it seemed a natural one to try. I have long been drawn to good rose oils. Synthetic scents are not recommended. Sitting outside Weaver Street Market, I caught a whiff of a passing lady’s perfume. I started having a sneezing fit. My daughter has even experienced diarrhea and migraine headaches as a result of someone in her house using a lotion with oils that stimulate histamine.  Cleaning products with citrus, eucalyptus and pine scents can have a negative effect.  As I heal my body with the low histamine diet, I am more aware when I do have a reaction and track down and eliminate the cause. I have given away many high-quality lotions, creams  and cleaning products because they had scents that stimulate histamine release.  As a massage therapist I can no longer use most of the warming or cooling lotions such as Biofreeze and Deep Blue. Advanced Tachyon Technologies’ Panther Juice still works for me. You can get it here: .     

Hope this is helpful.  I’ll keep you posted with new blogs as I learn more.  I am hoping to get a diagnosis based on testing to show if this is a lack of DAO enzyme or a dysfunction of the Mast Cells (over production or over abundance) and then find out what options there are for correcting the problem. In the meantime, I am grateful to have a diet that helps keep me functioning at a better level. And I am paying attention and discovering things that do not work for me like scented candles and sage smoke. I might try a lavender scented candle (natural scent) as lavender has an anti-histamine effect. Please comment on your findings and your journey with histamine issues.



“So, how did you find out?” is the most frequent question I get. 

The answer is:  I didn’t.  My daughter, Alexandrea (Copper Key Photography) did.  She has been seriously ill for over 3 years and unable to get much help through the medical establishment.  She did have one doctor test her for Alpha-Gal Syndrome and it was positive. Alpha- Gal Syndrome is an inability to digest mammalian proteins. Alpha gal (galactose-alpha 1, 3-galatose) is a sugar molecule found in most mammals (cows, pigs, bison, deer, rabbits, etc.). The Texas Tic (so named because of a shape on it’s back that looks like the state of Texas) bite causes Alpha-gal Syndrome which is “a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction” (CDC website) to alpha-gal. So once bitten by this tic one is unable to digest pork, beef, rabbit, lamb, venison, elk, etc and all products from mammals including gelatin, cow’s milk and milk products including cheeses.  I placed a Vitamin D capsule into our smoothie and in one gulp Alexandrea had a serious reaction.  Looking of the bottle she found that part of the source for the Vitamin D was beef. Her sensitivities are very high and her reactions often quick. The tic bite went undetected and untreated.  I have heard of some people getting over this reaction. This information and the ensuing meatless/dairyless diet helped, but it did not solve the problems. She continued to have debilitating reactions to many things and making sense of it was a nightmare for her and for me.

Alexandrea was reduced to a severely limited diet and had difficulty getting enough calories to run her body. After depleting the medical resources and tests available to her, she turned to a Black Forest Hair Analysis which gave her a long list of food allergies. Pouring over this list to find commonalities, a friend one day said,

“Oh, those three are high histamine foods.”

That was the key. Internet searches revealed the foods on her list were high histamine stimulators. The searches revealed much information about low histamine diets and this was a major key to her getting well. She also noticed that the condition can be genetically linked.  My father suffered greatly from the symptoms (bloating, extreme intestinal distress, swelling, arthritis like symptoms). He figured out that he needed to avoid dairy and when he did so, he was better. Holidays were especially difficult times as relatives would cook with butter and probably other foods that stimulated his symptoms which we now believe to have been histamine responses.  We knew he also had pre-diabetic reactions to sugars. He loved his coffee with two heaping teaspoons of sugar accompanied by a sweet roll. We knew to leave within 20 minutes because if you did not, he would start a fight with someone.  Sugar rebound. Sugar is also not your friend on a low histamine diet.  She suspects her paternal grandmother also had this syndrome, so she may have inherited it from both sides of the family making her even more susceptible/sensitive.

My symptoms included bloating, gas, swelling, arthritic-type symptoms (joint aches and pains and lack of flexibility possibly due to inflammation), cold like symptoms including sore and rough throat, cough, mucous production, occasional blurry vision, breathing problems including wheezing, bronchitis-like symptoms and shortness of breath and racing heart beat. My least favorite is swelling of the tongue and mouth sores. The tongue swelling can be so bad that it feels like my tongue has been repeatedly cut by a razor! The reaction has lasted as long as a week before I understood it was a histamine response.  

As I get myself well on this low histamine diet, I am more sensitive to what is causing my symptoms and I now know that I sometimes need an antihistamine to help alleviate my symptoms, at least until I find out root causes.  I am using the two teas I mentioned in the first post (Tulsi Rose and Moringa) and they work well most of the time. If I have a large reaction, I need to take an antihistamine.  What I take is OTC Benedryl and Zertec. Alexandrea takes  Hydroxazine (she says it puts her to sleep but it works). This raises the question for me: what does histamine have to do with sleep and I also want to know what it has to do with body temperature regulation.

Last night I attended a gathering of women and enjoyed the first hour. Slowly I started feeling my throat being effected, my sinuses started producing mucus, and when a headache started and my eyes started to itch I went to the bathroom to put cold water on my eyes.  There is where I found the culprit. A candle with a loud scent. I left quickly after that and it took an anti-histamine, a cup of Tulsi Rose tea and several hours (more than 4) to get to where I could go to sleep.  Body aches and pains were high as well making it hard to sleep and I did not want to take aspirin.

As you try this diet, don’t despair. I just talked with a friend who is trying it and she had a setback.  After much discussion, she reported she tried some of her husband’s sauteed vegetables sandwich filling avoiding the bread.“

“That’s it! That is enough to set off a reaction especially when you are starting to heal your body.  The veggies were not organic and the oil they used was probably histamine producing or stimulating.”

“It was a French restaurant, it could have been butter.”

“Yes, and that would do it too. I rarely eat out anymore and when I do it’s at a restaurant I can trust to do exactly what I request.  Usually it’s a fillet of fish pan seared in Olive Oil with garlic and thyme and a plain salad with Olive Oil on the side. I use the oil as a dressing and add salt and sometimes pepper. I could also bring my own Olive Oil for the salad dressing. I would add thyme, garlic and salt to it. I only go to restaurants I trust to use the best of ingredients. One day I met a friend for lunch and all I could find on the menu that I could eat was a small side of melon. That restaurant didn’t even have olive oil!”

Keeping a food diary is something that might help you identify what is causing your symptoms. Every bite counts for me.

In addition to salt, garlic and thyme are the two seasoning that works for all three of us. They are able to use white pepper.  I don’t think it’s good for me.  lt is better than black, but I still feel I react at this point in my recovery/healing process.

A special note on citric acid.  Make sure how your citric acid is sourced. Some is made from corn and most corn is GMA, stored way too long (often contains mold and mildew). I am in the process of researching this as well. (Thanks Jen for telling me about this.)

For future posts, I will be looking for answers to questions like: why histamine effects me so strongly? What causes such a response? What does histamoine have to do with body temperature?  What does it have to do with digestion? Does histamine have an effect on blood pressure?

Sensitive? Empath? Need Boundaries? Need Help?

When I was a teenager, I remember ariving at a lunch counter ravenously hungry. I sat between two men and before I could order, I lost my appetite. My stomach hurt with a burning sensation that came on quite suddenly. I turned to the man to my left and asked,

“How are you?”

“Oh, my stomach is killing me,” he said with a pained face.

Even then I knew to send healing energy to him and soon my stomach felt better.

In graduate school, I worked with an acu-therapist who provided much assistance standard medicine had not been able to provide. One day while seeing him I had been complaining about my over sensitivity which had been peaking with the atmosphres Graduate School provided. He started to do something around my ear with his equipment and I pulled away quickly asking,

“What are you doing?”

“Decreasing your sensitivity,” was his answer.

“That’s not what I want! I want to keep my sensitivity not decrease it! I just want to be better able to handle it.”

He shrugged and went on to other things we had talked about. It was years later when I met Dr. Mark Eisen, MD, trained in Anthrosophical Medicine (out of Rudolph Steiner’s indications). He introduced me to Moor Lavender.

Moor Lavendar (Solum Uliginosum) is a thick peat moss that grows in the moors (marshlands). It has a purple flower so it obtained the name moor lavender though it is not part of the lavender family at all. This kind of moss is very protective and provides the energetics of protection in a few forms. Dr. Hauschka makes an oil form available many places ( It is a thick oil with a unique aroma which I personally find very comforting and enjoyable. I was told by my doctor to apply it on my temples, on the nape of my neck, over my heart front and back, the web between my thumb and first finger, and on my feet. I found that this reduced my sensitivity without decreasing my senses. It provides protection. Dr. Eisen explained that it provides an energetic that could increase the thickness of the outer sheath of the aura or astral body (the body of emotions) and with time I found this to be true. It allowed me to perceive other people’s energies without allowing them all the way into my heart and inner spaces. Their emotions stopped arms’ length away. What a relief this has been. So for anyone unable to handle high sense situations, I highly recommend trying both the oil and the pillules.

Weleda makes a homeopathic pillule version of it

And Wala also provides this form:

I took the pillules and used the oil regularly for several years with increasingly more effective results. It seems to have an accumulative effect. It is also effective for reducing the reaction to weather conditions. I used to get headaches regularly from the front before a storm. They were often debilitating. Storm fronts are high in positive ions, the ones that make you feel bad. When the storm breaks, the moving water creates negative ions, the ones that make you feel good. I still use the oil when a big storm or a challenging situation is coming up. It is of great help. I recommend it to all my clients who are sensitives or empaths.

The Uriel company reports:

Solum Uliginosum and Radioactivity


“Due to the urgent situation in Japan and the possibility of radiation from nuclear meltdown reaching the United States, many people have asked what Uriel remedies may afford some protection.


Solum Aesculus was developed by Dr. Ita Wegman, Rudolf and Margarethe Hauschka and Dr. Ruth Jensen in the 1930s. In 1986 when the Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred, I was working with the Wala Company in Germany. We produced massive quantities of Solum uliginosum comp., another name for Solum Aesculus, in the form of ampules, pellets, oil and cream, for the many patients and doctors who found it helpful. It contains peat moss extract, horse chestnut seeds and horsetail herb in homeopathic potencies. It strengthens the life forces of the etheric body, thereby mitigating destructive influences from the environment.


Uriel also makes Aurum Lavender Rose Cream for calming stress relief. It contains many of the same ingredients as Solum Aesculus, plus lavender, rose, and gold, frankincense and myrrh in homeopathic potencies.”

More information from Uriel:

Another aspect that has helped many of my clients is doing past life healings around the end of Atlantis. Many people have experienced great trauma at that time and it comes forward in this over sensitivity. I have helped many people heal from this trauma also resulting in improved abilities to deal with high degrees of sensitivity with greater ease. Call me to schedule your appointment to do this healing work 919 949 3039.

I hope you find this as helpful as I have. Protect your sensitivity. Live more comfortably.


Lyneah Marks

Body, Soul & Angels